HipHopDX – A judge has ordered 50 Cent to appear in court after posting a series of photos of himself with loads of cash, according to CNN Money. The rapper filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in July.
Oh shit, I have been waiting for this. That sounds mad petty, but just understand that’s not how I mean it. See, rich people broke is different than you and me broke. When rich people file for bankruptcy it’s because they want to protect the boatload of money that they still have. When I file for bankruptcy it’s because student loan officers have started coming round my apartment with tire irons. It’s just different.
So when a rich person declares bankruptcy they actually do have money. In fact they probably still have a whole lot of money. But when Donald Trump declares bankruptcy you don’t see him wiping his ass with hundred dollar bills on IG. With rappers it’s different. The only things rappers like more than having money is letting you know they have money. Like the old saying goes: if Birdman makes bills in the forest and there’s no one around to watch him flex, did he even get paid?
And there’s nothing wrong with that. If you grew up with holes in ya zappatos, you’d celebrate the minute you be having dough. Unless of course there is a powerful government entity watching closely to make sure you’re not flaunting your expendable income. Then you have a problem. So I’ve been waiting to see which would prevail: 50’s common sense, or his desire to shine. Looks like we have a winner.
In conclusion: it is not always best to be fresh as hell if the Feds watchin.